Men’s Bible Study
Meets at the Blomquist home at 9am AND 6pm on the first & third Wednesdays.
Women’s Bible Study
Gideon by Priscilla Shirer meets 9a on the first and third Thursdays
Ministry Kickoff Sunday
Kickoff will now be on September 22nd. It will feature the installation of our new Lead Pastor, Tim Clever. Following the worship service will be the BBQ at noon. Come eat good food and celebrate our new Lead Pastor and get to know his family!
Elise DeLaRosa Bridal Shower
A Bridal Shower will be given for Elise DeLaRosa, daughter of Joe & Elizabeth Greenwald and granddaughter of Sharon Collins. The shower will be held in the Fellowship Hall on June 8 at 1pm
New Summer Schedule
We’re changing up the Sunday schedule! In order to give our teachers and children’s ministry team a break!
VBS 2024
Kids entering 1st-6th grade in the Fall are invited to join us for Scuba VBS the week of June 17-21 from 6:00-8:00pm!